Ocean Dreaming

A place to share occasional flights of fancy, subjective passions and research experiences away from the analytical pressures of modern life and work. Dive in to this forum where we shift perspective, welcome, explore and celebrate a cross disciplinary approach united by our love for what we do. Go bold where the ocean takes us!

Can we once again learn and dream from the sea itself? Go beyond our studied understanding and dare to swim amongst the leviathan kelps and awkward tides that push and pull and quite possibly drown our tired and tethered ideas in a sea of new possibility?

We sea-loving, sea-faring people must dream in sea-speak to become one with the stories of other sea-creatures; their maritime mounts and shelves and fast flowing channels of abundance and planktonic wealth. We approach this endeavour with a subtle grace—befitting the silken white sway of the dahlia anemone - and with a gentle trusting in the unexpected magic that will emerge through the hearts and minds of those given such perspective and experience of being in nature.

Hear the cri de coeur of the Tsunamis and creatures! What stories can we explore through cutting edge scientific research, the arts and everything in between, to allow the ocean to thrive, and for the current and future constellation of human activity to pass more smoothly and lightly alongside the darting and fanged creatures of the deep? They speak in tongues our world had never been more capable of understanding.

To listen. This is the place we must go.