Land and Sea Stewardship International Baccalaureate

Work is progressing on the new Land and Sea Stewardship curriculum at Atlantic College. In time this will prove to be a world-class International Baccalaureate with influence initially through the 17 United World Colleges.

Ocean Ambassadors Primary-age Curriculum

We have produced six primary school lessons on the following topics:

  • A trip to the coast

  • Ocean creatures

  • Sounds of the ocean

  • I am water

  • Challenges facing the ocean

  • Final project

These sessions will provide an accessible pathway to introduce your students to some of today’s most important environmental topics, without over-burdening them with fear and guilt. They are designed to be multi-sensory and to instil a love for the ocean through creative, person-centred learning approaches. The double-lesson sessions are available online via Google Classroom, also by having Ocean Ambassadors deliver them directly within your school setting. If you’re interested in either format, please contact us.

The waves crashed...
The otters wailed....
The diver discovered the undersea world
It’s alive.....seaweed!

— poem written by two eight year old pupils