N.N Solo Viola and Whale-song

N.N. is a new composition for solo viola and whale-song. It incorporates recordings from Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Centre, amongst others, of humpback and blue whales, whose vibrations are meant to be particularly healing.

I have titled it N.N. in reference to idealised no speech neural networks that tend to contrast human intelligence with animal intelligence whilst at the same time trying to unknowingly replicate it. In this way I’d like to remind us that there’s still so much we could learn from the animal world, and that, as a part of the ecosystem, we should try to protect it.

The music is a sort of interweaving learning, with the solo viola copying the whale-song in its own unique melodic way, such as through glissandi, descending phrases and harmonics. It is currently in computer generated form before live musician recording.

Multidisciplinary composer-performer, writer, artist